Science and Hinduism - Significance and benefits of 'Neem'

Science and Hinduism
Science and Hinduism

Science and Hinduism - Significance and benefits of 'Neem'

After many researches, Modern Scientists found many medicinal values in Neem, But in vedic period Hindu Scholars who are profound in  'Ayurveda' used Neem to cure many diseases.According to Vaasthu Shaastra everyone should plant Neem in  house garden, because Neem tree's medicinal values nourishes us in many ways. In Ayurveda, the benefits of Neem were stated comprehensively. Today, Many cosmetic companies use Neem pulp as major ingredient in producing soaps, face washes, shampoos etc. But Hindus used Neem in many treatments even before the Scientific era. Neem has many health benefits. Here are some of them.

Science and Hinduism

Significance and benefits of 'Neem' 

  1. NATURAL TOOTH BRUSH ; Neem plant twigs can be used as tooth brush to clean the mouth. Even before many major scientific inventions were made, Ancient Hindus used Neem to cure many oral problems. They used twigs in daily life to clean mouth. Neem protects teeth from decay and bacteria. Neem is an excellent tool to fight with Oral cancer.
  2. PROTECTS SKIN FROM CANCER ; Neem is rich in anti-cancer properties.  Add some Neem leaves to bucket of water, boil it and use it for bathing. It not only prevents cancer. But it also gives  a good glow to the skin.
  3. PREVENTS ACNE AND PIMPLES: Neem prevents Acne breakouts and cures pimples. Make a thick paste with Neem and apply to skin as natural face pack. Practice it regularly and you will see the results.
  4.  BOOSTS IMMUNE SYSTEM; Neem is rich in Vitamin-C properties which is a good supplement to boost immune system.
  5. LOWERS BLOOD SUGAR ;  Chew a Neem leaf daily to treat Diabetes.
  6. ENCHANCES HAIR GROWTH: Neem has many herbal values which is good in enhancing hair growth.  Neem oil can be used to treat hair fall and premature hair graying.
  7. PREVENTS LEPROSY:  Neem prevents deadly disease 'Leprosy'

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